Monday, March 12, 2007

I drop my shield and grab my axe!

And now, without further adieu, I present the Dwarfs of the Worlds Edge Mountains... Started these bad boys a while ago, but finished up the skull pass box set (sans miners, they aren't in my tournament army).

Here, we have the Dragon Slayer, or alternatively, the Daemon Slayer, I really love how this model turned out, I love the pose, and I love the paint job that I gave him.

This is the backside of the slayer. I only wish that one day I can attain a beard long enough to cover my junk, so I would no longer have to be burdened by pants.
The Dwarf Cannon and crew, I am also really happy with the way these guys came out. Their bases are a bit hard to see, but that is how I am doing the whole army, it is sort of comic-ish, but it looks great, and they were the first to get it done.

These would be the Dwarf Warriors in all their glory. I went with yellow beards on them, the musician is supposed to look younger, and the standard bearer look older than the rest. The unit Veteran has dyed his beard red. It is part of my armies theme, also, to tell them apart.
These bad boys are the Dwarf Thunderers, they have brown beards, once again, the musician is supposed to look younger, the standard bearer look older, and the unit Veteran has a red beard. See a theme there? I'm fairly happy with them, but not as happy with the guns as I could be.
The Dwarf Thane, truly, he came out amazingly, as an army Veteran, he too has a red beard, also, I like red beards. This model came out beautifully.
Thane from the side, here you can see the axe, glove, and part of the cape.

Thane from behind, here you can see the expert (read: lucky) shading quality done on the cape, it is scorched brown, building up through bestial brown, snake bite leather, and finally ending with a snakebite leather+skull white mix. The fur on the edge has been dyed blue to help unify him with the army.
The entire painted force of Dwarfs, the most models I have ever had painted, I can field around 750 points all painted!My current project for the next Dwarf warrior unit, their banner, working in blues, as that is the armies color. I decided to paint the banner separate to make it a bit easier for me. Shields are also being painted separately and then added later.

There is quite a bit to paint before the team tournament April 29th, but I think I am up to the challenge I have laid out for myself. I am so far really enjoying painting these models. I still have 1 cannon to build, 1 unit of Quarrelers (maybe), around 6 more Thunderers to add to the existing unit to build, a unit of 20 great weapon dwarfs (banner pictured above), and a runesmith/lord to paint.

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